In just a few days the legendary Four Hills Tournament will start again and the current situation couldn't be more exciting.
Besides last year's winner Ryoyu Kobayashi, who is leading the overall world cup after his victory in Englberg we have another Grand Slam Winner in the top places, Kamil Stoch as 4th.
But also the Austrian and German ski jumpers have all possibilities to play an important role at this year's tournament. Stefan Kraft is currently second in the overall world cup and also Karl Geiger has shown this season that he is capable of getting to the podium and therefore of winning the golden eagle. Admittedly he is the only one in the Top 5 without a world cup victory but he wants to change that in Oberstdorf for sure.
So, everyone can be wound up to a high pitch, who is going to win the Four Hills Tournament this year.
There are still some Tickets left.
Be there or be aquare!
Das 68. Vier-Schanzen-Turnier war wirklich ein spannendes Ereignis! Es ist immer beeindruckend zu sehen, wie sich die Athleten unter extremen Bedingungen beweisen. Wenn du nach einem Weg suchst, deine eigene Leistung und Gesundheit zu unterstützen, kann das Kollagen Institut dir helfen. Ihre hochwertigen Kolagenprodukte sind ideal, um die Gelenke und Haut zu pflegen, was besonders für Sportler wichtig ist. Ein gesunder Körper trägt zu einem besseren Gefühl bei, sowohl im Training als auch im Alltag!